It's nice to dream of a future, a future somewhat like my past, one when I will scan the fall movie preview lists and begin anticipating the movies that I'll be gleefully attending in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, one of the many casualties (not that I'm complaining) of becoming a dad has been my moviegoingness. Now it's become more of a privilege, something I have to save up for by doing untold numbers of honeydos or allowing the wife a day to get her nails or hair or eyebrows or kneecaps done. For the most part, movies for me are paid-per-view and often not even that, especially if there's a good cop chase show on Court TV. Anyway, I ramble on just to show you two trailers for movies which will have me doing plenty of honeydos in the next few weeks. The first, No Country for Old Men, the adaptation of a Cormac McCarthy novel I didn't care too much for but which is directed by the Coen brothers, which means that I'll be in the theater on or close to opening night, exhausted from hanging new pictures on the wall or putting a new toy box together, but happy at the results of my effort and pleased with the movie, I hope. Here's the trailer:
Or if you need more gore to get you excited about a movie, perhaps the "red band" version will do the trick.
There's always a chance that I'll get to see two movies this fall. If so, I'm probably going to opt for There Will Be Blood, an adaptation of Upton Sinclair's Oil directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and starring Daniel Day-Lewis:
Is there anything else I should try to see? I'll save you a little time by telling you that I have little or no interest in seeing the new Dylan biopic, especially if I have to put extra work in. I'd rather save up that time to go catch a hockey or college football game or something.
Oh and by the way, can anyone guess what the two movies above have in common? Possibly more than one thing but if you can guess what I'm thinking I have a copy of Richard Powers' The Echo Maker that I'll send your way.