What blog would be complete without some name dropping? At the risk of leaving someone out, a list then of authors I have recently read or am forever returning to and thus recommend: Mark Sarvas, Samantha Hunt, Eileen Pollack, Roy Kesey, Yannick Murphy, Kyle Minor, Jeff Parker, Lee K. Abbott, George Saunders, Pinckney Benedict, John Cheever, Lydia Davis, Keith Taylor, Philip F. Deaver, Steven Almond, Sam Lipsyte, Stephen Dixon, Jason Ockert, Andre Dubus, Jim Shepard, Stephen Elliott, Suzanne Burns, Brian Evenson, Elizabeth Ellen, Jim Harrison, Yasunari Kawabata, Jonathan Lethem, Lee Martin, Cormac McCarthy, Erin McGraw, Chris Bachelder, Flannery O'Connor, Don Pollock, Robert Lopez, Peter Markus, Peter Ho Davies, Aimee Bender, Ben Percy, Tod Goldberg, Rusty Barnes, Pia Z. Ehrhardt, David Morse, Mike Czyzniejewski, Stefan Kiesbye, Anton Chekhov, Gunter Grass, Fyodor Doestoyevski, Jo Neace Krause, Felicia Sullivan, Norman Waksler, Kevin Moffitt, Corey Messler, Hesh Kestin, Louella Bryant, Allison Amend, Daniel Chacon, Peter Selgin, Laura van den Berg, Henning Koch, Terese Svoboda, Dawn Raffel, Norman Rush, Christine Hume, Janet Kaufman, TC Boyle, Aaron Burch, Harold Pinter, HannahTinti, Jim Tomlinson, Colson Whitehead and Kellie Wells. And a host of others to be sure that I apologize for excluding off the top of my head.