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December 04, 2006


Professor Fury

Oh, but you left out the best part of that Ford interview:

"Besides," continued Ford, "if I had set my novels and stories in the South, it would have been even more apparent that The Sportswriter is a stale retread of Percy's The Moviegoer."

If I'd been interviewing him, I would have asked if he thinks that Faulkner, Welty et al wasted their potential by writing for a "Southern audience."

Man, I'm grouchy today. Damn Mondays.

mark c

Some related articles on new orleans musicians and the levee failure. Thanks for the Chicago Tribune article.

Dr. Michael White and Irvin Mayfield

Henry Butler


I'm nitpicking here, I know. The Globe made an error. Ford went to Michigan State, not Michigan. In any case, I saw Ford read and speak the other night here in Atlanta. He was interesting and highly approachable. He seemed to genuinely appreciate people showing up. His accent is faint, but you can hear it on certain words. Even though I'm a big Ford fan, I think Lay of the Land is not as good as either of the other Frank Bascombe novels. Thanks for the link, Jeff.

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