Parents, BEWARE! Fight Club ain't just a book. Your little Timmy may be out in the backyard pounding the snot out of his buddy Woodrow right now. And damn if those fun nazis at USA Today don't have to go and ruin it for everyone. Hell, they even have a "tips for parents" sidebar that doesn't include the tip, "If your kid comes home looking like Mel Gibson after he stumbled drunk into a bar mitzvah." Nope, it's the typical "know your kid, invade his privacy, ask the tough questions" stuff that hasn't worked for at least a millennium now.
Personally, I don't see a problem with teenagers duking it out on playgrounds or in church basements. If it keeps them from reading Harry Potter novels and smoking clove cigarettes I say more power to them. But USA Today seems to think that teen Fight Clubs might be the new crystal meth or something. Survival of the fittest, USA Today. If they're dumb enough to do it, then let them.
Actually, the best part of the article is Chuck Palahniuk's only contribution to it since he refused comment despite being the man who wrote the book that inspired the movie that has led to all of this. Old Chuck said, "God bless these kids. I hope they're having a great time. I don't think they'd be doing it if they weren't having a great time."
Seems to me Chuck just broke the first and second rules of Fight Club.
Posted by: Jimmy Beck | August 02, 2006 at 10:07 AM