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August 02, 2006



Preach it, brother. My glasses fogged up when I let the dog out -- at 5 a.m.


I remember it well...13 long hot years in Oxford, MS. It does get better in late September, always a red letter day in my journal. Take the family and head to the mtns. of NC Jeff. It was only 80 at my mom's in Avery Co. yesterday. We have 50's here in Eugene, OR this morn...ahhh, finally.


I have to believe that the gods are laughing at me: I moved away from the heat and humidity of southern summers to a place where the summer average is only supposed to be 82. So Chicago decides instead to hit 99 (actual air temperature), and the electric grids fail. That's right--no a/c OR fans. At least the south knows how to deal with the heat.


makes a person glad her mississippi grandpa had the presence of mind to move to NY soon as he could!

jessica louise

where i live in gets to 112.

dry heat? bearable. humid? not so good.

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