What did people do before Al Gore invented the internets? I guess I'll find out this coming week. As of tomorrow morning when I unplug the laptop and move it over to the new headquarters I'll be without any connection to the internet for a week. Assuming that one of my new neighbors isn't leaking wireless goodness for me to borrow, I'm going to go all Tingle Alley* on you all and take a week off. So consider this the last post until the folks at Time Warner of Raleigh rescue me from internetless oblivion. Let me just say how much I'll miss you.
Just say you'll miss me too.**
Oh, before I forget, a huge thank you to our landlord for these last two months and all-around great person, who is great despite her traitorous ways; Lucina, you're the best. You can have your house back now.
*Kidding CAAF. I know you're busy. I just wonder if your dog ever gets tired of sitting on that couch. You promised you'd be back April 18th and the poor thing has been sitting there, waiting, making sure your books behave, for all these weeks now.
**I'm well aware that this is a different Wilco song than the one hinted at in the title. Somehow, though, the two get tangled up in my head.
but what if i don't want it back ?! if only we could dig a tunnel between the two abodes and rig up some sort of pulley system ~ now that would be the ticket. i'll miss ya'll, but prolly not too much, because wasn't there mention of inviting me over for dinner a couple times a week :) you know i'll starve without cha.
Posted by: lucina | June 17, 2006 at 06:46 AM