As I write this, I'm staring at a grainy black and white photo of sorts. At the center of the photo, the very reason for my staring at it and the reason that I'm writing this post, is a 4.26-centimeter oblong, blurry object. No way to make out much more than what appears to be a head, possibly an arm tucked beneath a torso, the slightest hint of something that could be a leg. But I do know what it is. My baby. Ours, Elaine's and mine.
We found out a few days after Christmas. Elaine, already home from the visit South, called me. I was in the passenger seat of the minivan somewhere in the Rockies. "I think I'm pregnant!" she said. I didn't know what to say other than a surprised "Wha?" Not that we hadn't been trying. For over two years we'd done everything from acupuncture to fertility treatment, the latter including a monthly shot that I had to administer to her upper buttocks region. Nothing seemed to work and we had to give up mid-year because of Elaine's foot surgery. Then she had ear surgery in September. So we were planning on getting back on the fertility regimen in the new year.
No need.
Yesterday we made our first visit to the OB-GYN. We had no idea of how far along Elaine was. We tried to narrow it down to specific possible days that it could have happened, but the best we could come up with was a rough estimate based on when she started feeling symptoms. We were a few weeks off. Instead of two months, we're right at the three month threshold--11 weeks and a day according to the measurement, meaning that Elaine will be through with the first trimester of morning sickness and fatigue very soon, and I know she's happy about that.
And we're happy about everything. I've been on a high since that phone call in which she told me the home pregnancy test came out positive. Somewhat shocked, nervous, but very, very happy. To be honest, I didn't know if I even wanted a baby when we first started trying. I wanted one more for Elaine than for myself. I was willing to be a dad, but not sure that I wanted to give up some of the freedoms that go with being free of child. But the last year or so, as if I had some biological clock ticking in my loins, I'd started feeling the urge. I would see a father with his son at a baseball game and it would hit. I would see a mother with her little girl in a grocery store, and I knew that I was missing out on something. And what if we couldn't have one. A real possibility considering our hardships.
That's why this feels even more special.
So there you have it. August 11th or thereabouts I'll be a dad; Elaine will be a mom. We'll have a kid. Amazing.
Congratulations! Now start reading as much as you can until then...
Posted by: Justin | January 20, 2006 at 10:02 AM
Congrats, Jeff! You're gonna be a pretty cool dad.
Posted by: LTR | January 20, 2006 at 10:40 AM
That's wonderful! Now will we see reviews of "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and the like mixed in with the latest lit?
Posted by: Cynthia Closkey | January 20, 2006 at 11:05 AM
That's great news, Jeff! Congratulations and best wishes to you and Elaine.
Posted by: TJ | January 20, 2006 at 11:32 AM
Wow. Congratulations to you both!
Posted by: Derek | January 20, 2006 at 11:59 AM
Way to go! Congrats!
Posted by: ed | January 20, 2006 at 02:23 PM
Oh Jeff (and Elaine) I'm so happy for you! You are going to make wonderful parents.
Posted by: Alicia | January 20, 2006 at 02:52 PM
Wow! Congrats!!!
Posted by: Frank | January 20, 2006 at 03:47 PM
Congratulations! Despite your strong showing with Larry King, feel free to not live-blog the delivery. I'll have to put together a Bright Eyes mix to give you & get the kid started right. Congrats again!
Posted by: tito | January 20, 2006 at 06:41 PM
i like the new "baby" category. i can't wait to be a cool aunt ki'tina to this lil rascal or rascalette. i am so damn happy for you both. mwhaaa!
Posted by: lucina | January 20, 2006 at 08:59 PM
Yay! Congratulations to you both.
Posted by: Gwenda | January 20, 2006 at 11:29 PM
Thanks everyone. Stay tuned for the "name the baby" contest that I'll be running around August 1.
Posted by: Jeff | January 20, 2006 at 11:55 PM
I'll add my congrats as well!
Posted by: Geoff | January 21, 2006 at 03:58 AM
while i'm of the opinion that there are too many of us, i think the world will benefit by having another Bryant traipsing around. good job.
Posted by: uncle scott | January 21, 2006 at 03:00 PM
How fantastic! Congratulations!
Posted by: amcorrea | January 22, 2006 at 02:05 AM
Congrats! Way to go!
Posted by: jill | January 22, 2006 at 10:05 PM
I'm late to the congrats party.
Have you told Homer? Is he devastated?
Posted by: mchenrmd | January 23, 2006 at 10:52 AM
I don't know you, but vaguely recall seeing you around the MLB message boards on Mchen posted this on the board, and I wanted to drop a line to wish you my congrats, as well.
Take care and good luck.
Posted by: Bennett bryan | January 23, 2006 at 01:29 PM