Well, Six Feet Under is no more. All of my predictions about how the show would end were way off, but the show's unpredictability has been part of its charm since episode one. I will admit that I was somewhat disappointed by how it wrapped. I expected more drama but instead got a lot of still introspection. I guess the one scene in which David fights his monster should have been enough, but I wanted more. I kept waiting for Billy to go on a shooting rampage or for Ruth to set the Fisher & Sons Funeral Home on fire. Oh well.
My wife made a really good point in her personal review of this final episode. As someone who has experienced her fair share of grief--having lost both of her parents before she turned 30--she said that the show did an amazing job of capturing the process of dealing with the death of someone close, those so-called stages of grief. Maybe that's what I didn't see. Maybe my own reaction to the show is stuck somewhere in the denial stage. How could it be over? What the hell happens now? Don't just tell me that everyone dies someday.
I think I'll watch it again with my wife's words in mind. At least this time I'll know what to expect.
The official HBO SFU site has character obituaries for those of you who want to know what really happened, in the end.
Also, today's "Fresh Air" featured a "postmortem" with executive producer Alan Ball.
Personally, I thought the very end (no spoilers here) was a little overly dramatic... I could have done without it.
Posted by: Pauly D | August 23, 2005 at 09:33 PM
Not me. I loved the ending.
Posted by: Varg | August 28, 2005 at 12:35 AM