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February 28, 2005



Glad to hear you're not calling it a day. Now that Dave Berry is no more, how else will we know about the Manure Mountain from the cornhusker state?
If nothing else, keep it up for the fantasy baseball. I may have to crack open some baseball books in anticipation. Any favorite baseball books to suggest?
I'm gonna start with WP Kinsella's Shoeless Joe.


If it helps, I keep coming back precisely because SOT has no point. Reading your stuff and the sites you link to exposes me to a much wider range of info than I could ever find (or even think to look for) on my own. If we don't say it often enough, it's not because we're not all thinking it, but keep up the great work!


I have to agree--I'm happy that this wasn't a farewell post. I'd rather see blogs that skip around to different topics and themes. I think they're far more interesting.

And if you ever come to Chicago, I'll give you tips on where to find the best pizza in town :-)


I understand that "niche" question and wrestle with it myself. I think Robin is right, though. The ones that skip around give readers a better insight into the full person behind the posts. Niche bloggers are great and serve their purpose, but the renaissance bloggers brush up against this whole distance-smasher that is the internerd.

Initially I came for the books, but I stuck around for the personality. Keep it up, Jeff.

Pauly D

You hang in there, and you keep them doggies walkin' around at the top banner. The day I can't ALMOST smell the cow dung is the day I sadly have to drive to Harris Ranch.

Which is probably this weekend.

Nonetheless, keep up the good work!


Glad you're sticking around. I'm pretty random myself, so I look towards blogs like SOT for validation.

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