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January 20, 2005


Japanese Ice Cream

I never new Oyster ice cream was an american thing. I have posted about Japanese Oyster Ice Cream here, http://japaneseicecream.blogspot.com/2007/06/oyster-ice-cream.html>Japanese oyster ice cream
And even Japanese soft cream (ice cream) with fried oysters http://japaneseicecream.blogspot.com/2007/11/fried-oysters-in-soft-serve-ice-cream.html>fried oysters in soft serve ice cream (more common than the first one) - both are yuck and my guess this would be as well :)


I just watched this episode of The Presidents (which tells you how deep the queue is on my DVR) and was struck by the same strange fact about Dolley's predilection for oyster ice cream.

And while I didn't immediately associate William Dafoe with John C. Calhoun, you're right about their resemblance. As Calhoun aged, he became one scary looking old man.


oh baby, yum.

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